Technology Development + Validation

INREC collaborates with numerous partners to foster innovation of new technologies and validate products and practices for nutrient reduction performance.

Interested in working together on validating a product or practice?

Proud Partner of

The Iowa Nitrogen Initiative

Nitrogen fertilizer is among the most critical inputs to crop production—and one of the costliest. It can boost productivity and profitability when applied optimally.

We have worked alongside the Iowa Nitrogen Initiative to create a one of a kind system for accessing data that helps us understand interactions among genetics, weather, soil type, and management, and how those impact cropping system outcomes. On-farm research trials utilizing variable rate nitrogen prescriptions and yield monitors provide vast amounts of data to understand these complex interactions.

Creator of

To encourage greater nutrient management and the use of soil testing, we have created the Iowa Soil Laboratory Performance Program to evaluate and document the performance of certain tests by the labs.

Completed Projects + Initiatives

Science Leadership

With our partners at Iowa State University, INREC facilitates neutral-science based performance assessments of new and existing environmental technologies and serves to help identify and foster innovation of new technologies and expansion of science-based options for meeting water quality goals.

Completed Projects with Reports

From the Archive